Thursday, November 28, 2013


   I wanted to write about why I think online dating can be a good idea and how meeting someone before you see them face to face can be good, depending upon the motivation and desires of an individual who is seeking to find someone online then it can turn out quite well, if men or women are looking to just have sex or get money and a good meal etc. then this is not for you, but if you truly are looking to find your soul mate, partner and be in a good serious long lasting relationship then this is for you. 
   This was about 5 years ago when I met my husband on Myspace when Myspace was the older version and at the beginning of the Facebook craze, now I consider Facebook like Myspace and that it too can be a great way to meet people and really get to know them, what I liked about Myspace was that on a persons main page about themselves that you could give a description about yourself and what your all about, so that you got a good idea about them similar to dating sites, also similar to dating sites you would be able to look up people in your area unlike Facebook, what I like about Facebook is that you can get to know them by what they post on their timeline and that they still have an about me section. So when I was looking to add friends to Myspace I came across my husbands about me section and what drew me to him was how different and interesting he made himself sound, he had very interesting likes and dreams that I was very interested in, which made me be interested in sending him a letter to let him know how interesting and different he sounded and that I would like to be friends, so from there we wrote back and forth a few times then exchanged e-mails and started writing back and forth for about a month before exchanging phone numbers, now during the time of writing back and forth I asked a lot of questions about him and him about me as well, so before even talking on the phone we got to know each other really well, we ended up talking on the phone for about 3 months until we finally met face to face, during us talking on the phone it really opened us up to each others personality and we got to know each other a lot better in a way that you cannot get to know each other just through e-mail alone, during that time on the phone we still asked lots of questions, needless to say we got married about 6 months after first meeting on Myspace, now if you know me I do not get married right away to anyone, in fact I have been known to be with a guy for 8 years and never marring, one guy I was with for 2 and one guy I was with for 6 years and never got married, two of the men wanted to marry me so lets just say that I do not just jump into marriage right away, the reason why I was able to marry him so fast was because we got to know each other so well and know each others core values so well that it made me feel comfortable to marry him, I even will say that he is my soul mate because I did not think that I would find someone so compatible with me.
   So the point here is to ask lots of questions and to ask the right questions at that, I like to ask a guy what they are looking for in a woman and if a guy says personality and someone to have fun with then not always but most of the time it could mean that they are not ready to settle down and may never settle down so I proceed with caution on that one, but I ask lots of questions like what there hobbies and interests are for a base in order to find things that we have in common, then I ask if they have brothers and sisters and if they are close to them in order to talk about deeper things like how well they deal with them which can give you a good idea on how they handle not so well situations, because you will be running into that eventually so I like to be prepared, because I believe you have to treat everyone differently depending upon their personality and how they process things, in some cases that alone might be a reason why or why not you guys are compatible, I like to take day by day and not judge right away just to see what goes on on the ins and outs of their daily lives and for me I was looking for someone that was open which is what my husband was and that really sold me on him, we would talk about people he encountered during some days, we talked about things he learned maybe that day, and that really gave me a good idea about what life on a daily basis would be like with him, still to this day we talk about everything from tv shows to all sorts of his interests, even if I am not interested in something he is talking about I try to listen just in case I might learn something from it, and that’s what makes relationships so great if you can help each other grow and learn or be inspiring for them in some way. Anyway there is lots to tell about this subject but I will make it short, and that is to keep your eyes open to meeting people in ways that you never thought that you could, or that go against what other people say as not being a good idea, there was a time when we were even embarrassed of how we met because peoples image was that of this not being a serious relationship that will not last, but I could not be so happy and I still think I am the happiest girl alive to have met him, so keep your head up, heart open and follow it, go after what you want.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Hello Starseed Children,

Their has always been Starseed Children born on this earth, but in this time and age they are a little different as their mission is different and very spacific, God is bringing forth lots and lots of special children in the world in order to help save the world, their is more being birthed every year and they have a very strong calling to change the world, that’s how you know that you are one of these special children, anyone that is about 40-100 years old brought forth these children (gave birth to) and their children and their children’s children are going to be even more powerful, the children will get more powerful with every generation because the Starseed Children will be more aware of their children’s calling and know how to properly train their children to be who they are supposed to be, you will be seeing more and more younger children stepping forward and making changes in the world that we live in, more and more younger men and women getting into politics than ever before, and because we are Starseed Children and recognize other Starseed Children then we will accept these people as here to do what they are supposed to be doing, and that is to change the world, no government or country will be able to stop these Starseed Children for their are too many of them to stop, they could practically have their own country and they just might do that one day as they will grow more and more, good things are coming ahead. You also know that you are a Starseed Child because you have had thoughts of suicide, I advise you not to do so as you are needed here on earth, Starseed Children usually want to commit suicide because they don’t feel like they belong here because they know where their real home is and that is somewhere else and they will eventually feel homesick and want to go back home, so I will not be surprised if the suicide rate goes up more and more every year, they usually feel the pain in the world as they are supposed to so that they can do something about it, they all play their part in this world and if they die then someone else will have to fill those shoes, I advise you not to grow weary in your well doing in this time we are in, you will see a lot of pain and you will be sensitive to it as you are a sensitive, that is your gift and to not run from it but run towards it and just learn to bounce back and comfort your heart, you will also see more and more music that is to encourage you to do what you were put here on earth to do, you will feel the strength from these songs and they will be your cheer leaders, I would encourage you to listen to music when you are feeling weary, music that speaks to you and that you can get your strength from, Starseed Children ban together to help each other out, form groups for there are strength in numbers, do what your parents did not do and raise your children in how you wish that they would have raised you and make this world a better place, thank you to all you Starseed Children for being you, for not giving up and always following your truth xoxo.


Let me explain, this blog is not going to be what you think, I am not against gays, lesbians, or bisexuals, and this is not to bash anyone, in fact my heart goes out to anyone having to live in this reality where liking the same sex is not accepted, hence why I am writing this blog to begin with, I have something that has been on my heart and mind for awhile now and I have to get it off my chest. Whenever I hear people that are gay say “I was born this way and it was not my choice” I hear pain in there voice, sometimes it is such a breakdown of pain that I can feel behind the words is “why me God?”, this world has a way of putting guilt upon a person that even the parents feel guilty as if they did something wrong to deserve a gay son or daughter, I just feel like this cycle has to stop because I don’t feel like it is healthy for anyone. Instead of saying “why me God”, or “I was born this way”, and things like “I did not choose to be gay”, instead say things like “this is my choice and they just have to accept it”, because whenever you say “I did not choose this”…you take away your power, whenever you say “why me God”…you take away your power, but when you say things like “this is the choice I made and this makes me happy”…you take back your power, and when you say to people that “they have a choice weather or not to accept it” then not only are you not giving your power away but you are also giving them the power to choose to accept it, it gives them something to think about, sometimes we just don’t think we have a choice unless given the opportunity to choose. 
  What I feel is that we all are both male and female, I don’t believe that the soul or the spirit has a sex, I believe that love is love and that love is not bound to male, female or human, that you can love anything and anybody, I am not gay or a lesbian but I do feel like I chose not to be gay, I could be with the same sex and love them just the same but I chose to be with the opposite sex, and that makes me feel empowered…that I can choose and that it is a choice, I feel the male side of me and I feel the female side of me, I don’t define myself by my relationships. I have noticed that people that like both sexes are more open and loving people, connected to the world around them and to others, they have so much love to give that it does not matter which sex that they are loving, they are just being who they are which is love, even bisexuals have it bad because the gays or straights don’t like or accept them, even gay people don’t understand how you can like both sexes, people don’t like what they do not understand so I hope that I can shed some light into why and how it can be that someone can love both sexes, because they are not defined by sex, there soul and spirit does not have a sex therefore they are not bound by the rules of this world, they merely go with how they feel and what they were put here on earth to do, they give me inspiration to open my heart up and live through my soul and spirit and not through this flesh and what my brain has been hardwired to believe.

Monday, May 27, 2013


I use to wonder why I felt like I loved someone more than another, first I thought someone was my soul mate but when I discovered that I could love someone else with just as much intensity or more, then I realized after doing a lot of inner self discovery that what I was feeling was levels of admiration, I also did a discovery on love itself that had me baffled for a long time, I wondered how people could fall out of love and I had to ask myself…did they ever love that person at all?, on my own discover and journey on the situation…I thought it was time to share what I had learned. Love is not something that is measured it just is, we were made from love, for love, to love, love is what we are so it is very natural for us to love, hate is taught but that’s another subject, anyway back to the subject of love. People were made to connect to each other, that is how were hard wired, so if you feel love at first sight then other than spiritual reasons it could mean that you are connecting to that persons true self or their energy that they are putting off, maybe it is there confidence, sweetness, power or personality etc., something that you are connecting to that you could be admiring. Sometimes we love someone because they have something that we want as far as personality trait, something that we admire in them that if we were to get closer to them then we would think that we could acquire that trait, or if we don’t have it then maybe them is the missing ingredient in our lives that will complete us, we all want to be whole and most of us don’t think that we can be whole on our own, so we need something or someone else, that’s why a relationship where two people have what the other is lacking makes for a good partnership, because the two admire each other they tend to not only stay together longer but get along a lot better and tend to be happier in the process long term, but if one stops admiring the other person then that could be a dangerous ingredient in the mix, and doesn’t taste very good. So the next time you love someone so deeply that your willing to die for them, you might want to ask yourself “what is it that I need from them?” that I cannot give myself, and that is why after a break up we can tend to grow from it, because it brings us deeper into ourselves, love is a powerful thing but love with admiration is even more powerful.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Be The Lion

I want to share a vision that I have pertaining to lion’s and how I feel we as humans should be if we want to survive in this Human Kingdom. If you ever watched a lion strut his stuff, or even if you watched your house cat walk around, you know that they have a presence to the way that they walk, a confidence and a look in their eye that says “I am the lion king”, in my vision I believe we all have that walk, just in some it is hidden or they forgot their strut walk, I encourage you to let your outer strut walk loose…and think Lion the next time you are walking around, even if people are not watching you…never let go of your strut. In my vision I see a lion at the top of a hill or mountain, the other animals are walking by…some lion’s some not, and some want to test the lion, they feel his presence and confidence and most walk on by based on that, but for the some that want to test if they have what it takes to go up against the lion they do so, but the lion always wins. Think of yourself on the top of that hill or mountain, the other people being the other animals and lions, but when you look at them make sure you look at them knowing that you always win, most won’t even go up against you, but for the few that do it will make you stronger and it is your opportunity to shine and to build your confidence even more, for when you are the weak lion or playing victim then others will know that if they pounce on you that they will eat you alive, but at least if you have your strut and your confidence it will lessen the numbers, instead of making others stronger, make yourself stronger, practice your walk, practice your mind set, the only victim is in your mind, but you have a heart of a lion, so I encourage you to use it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Being Invested In The Outcome

A lot of times we think about the investments were making like with money or maybe even investments into relationships, and we tend to feel very betrayed if someone we love betrays us after all of our investment into them, only trying to protect our investments next time, in order to not get hurt again, or if we lose money then we tend to hold on tighter to what we earned and worked so hard for. Unconsciously we are doing the same thing to everything we do in life, we invest our time in a company just to find they found someone better or for lower pay and that they no longer needed you anymore, we set ourselves up because we have expectations on how we see the end result to be, so normally what happens when things don’t turn out the way we expect them to go then we get let down, and instead of looking at the bright side all we see is how much of a failure we are because we let ourselves down on our expectations, sometimes we don’t look at that door closing as to learn from it so that way something better can come along, how many times have you been upset about something just to find out later on that the same thing you were upset about you ended up being grateful and happy about?, at least once in your lifetime i’m sure ;-) , we can avoid a lot of pain in life and create more open doors and possibilities just by not being invested in the outcome. Now I am not saying not to have goals, dreams and hopes, but just keep in mind that it can or cannot go the way that you expect or want, and that you can be open to other possibilities, because if you are not open then you can sabotage your success, it can cause you to not push through if you are invested in the outcome, you might even see that what you thought was there to kill you that in the end was the very thing that made you stronger resulting in success. Also when you are invested in the outcome then you are not fully present or invested in the present moment, it also can be an energy drainer when your focus is on an outcome, I say that investing in yourself gives you more energy instead of robbing you of your energy, because in the back of your mind you will always be thinking even if on a subconscious level that “what if this does not go the way that I want it to go?”, but if you invest in yourself and doing your best knowing that it is all for your higher good regardless of the outcome gives you more energy to play with, you will always be disappointed in yourself if you are always invested in outcomes which in turn is an energy drainer, because no one wants to go around feeling like a failure all the time, it just is a bad feeling and can freeze a person from moving forward. So ask yourself…am I loving my husband for something in return?, am I doing something for my friends so that way when I need there help that they will be there for me?, am I being nice to my boss so that they will give me that raise? etc., you get the picture…just be aware is all, because maybe in loving my husband I got something that I did not expect, or in doing something for my friend I met someone that changed my life forever, and maybe in being nice to my boss that my boss opened up to me and gave me such good advice that it made me the strong person that I am today, just don’t miss out on the blessings trying to get the prize :-) .

Friday, March 8, 2013

Manifesting (The Secret)

The secret to manifesting boils down to one thing, it is the one thing that not many people can do mostly due to the way we were raised and it was not a manifesting atmosphere, it is the one hardest thing for people to do in order to be a manifesting machine, sure you might be able to manifest like everyone else on the planet can do once in awhile and at a very low vibration level, depending on what level you are at is the level you will manifest because in actuality we are manifesting machines, so I am not asking you to do something that you cannot already do, at some point in your life you have manifested something or multiple things, and I would not be surprised if it was more in your younger years and I am about to explain why, this world was created from manifesting beings, science is created by manifesting beings, God is a manifesting being and you came from manifesting sources, when you were younger you were closer to your manifesting source, you were more likely to believe in magic and life was quite magical then as you grew up you were fascinated with the sky and clouds asking your other source (your parents) to explain…who made the clouds and the sky and why were they there?, they then gave you there version of why they and the whole world for that matter was there and you bought into it, and over time you formed the worlds version of why and how’s. So I bet by now you are wondering what is that one thing that you need!? that one ingredient?, it all boils down to one thing and that one thing is that you have to get out of judgment, judgment of yourself number one and then judgment of others, you have to be open again like when you were a child, open to receive information from a place of truth that is inside of you, truth is not outside of you like people think it is and your going to have to start trusting yourself, you have to push all the information and judgment aside so that you can see more clearly, just like when you were a child and when you had an open heart and you believed anything was possible, you are going to have to go back to the place of innocence and grow in a different way, but trust me when you do…you will never go back again, at times it might feel uncomfortable just because you define yourself by your judgments, but I assure you that you are not your judgments but that you are actually much greater than that, so get out the trash cans and put the trash where it belongs, out of your head and into the can and then burn it, destroy and un-create it and learn how to fly. Judgment starts when were young, to keep us safe, but we don’t need it anymore and it is of no use to us, then we take on our parents judgments of themselves and the world around them then we think that’s the way we are and the world is also but that’s not true, it’s no wonder we end up acting like our parents especially the older we get, if you did not take steps in doing inner work then you end up being like the teacher, so for every thought that comes through your mind you have to set it free like a balloon, ask yourself “who does that belong to”?, your truth will tell you who it belongs to and if you start to feel lighter then it was not your thought, it was a lie and from that moment on you have to accept it as a lie, no matter how long you have lived with that lie and it became your friend, you have to follow and live your truth, this is the key to manifesting or at least what I am giving you is the road, you might not be manifesting right away because there might be allot of trash in there, everyone is different and will start manifesting depending on how much trash they have to let go of, like maybe a younger person might start manifesting quicker than an older person because the older person might have more built up trash and has grown mold and rust that needs elbow grease to get rid of, so one might have the same thought come back over and over again until it’s gone, I encourage you to keep cleaning until one day you don’t even notice it’s not there anymore, you take away the thoughts power by not acknowledging it and by asking a question gives it wings to fly away, if you were to say the sky is blue (because you were taught that) then that thought does not leave possibilities of it not being blue, all you can receive is the sky being blue which limits manifesting to happen in your life, because manifesting needs an open door to fly through and work it’s magic, but if you say “who does that belong to”? then you can see where that thought was created, weather that thought makes you feel lighter or heavier and weather you want to receive that thought or weather it serves you or not, if your higher self reveals that thought was created in school, by mom or dad, husband or friend etc. then you feel how you feel without that thought and then your higher self can reveal how it has held you back, you might get visions or dreams, you might get words coming through or it might just be in a feeling, it is different for everybody but you have to trust yourself, for some trusting themselves might be difficult, maybe because they have let themselves down throughout the years or it could be because they just have low self esteem, I guarantee that if you do this you will also start to see your self esteem go up, this is a great booster, but you might have to get out of your comfort zone, like I said not many people are willing or can do this because sometimes pain comes up and we are so use to shoving our pain down so deep until we don’t feel it as regularly, how you deal with pain is directly connected to your judgments hence the feeling lighter feeling I was talking about, if your higher self senses a judgment as being toxic then it will feel relieved that you did not take it on again but rather in the question gave it wings to fly away, after a toxic thought you should say right after it gets wings and fly’s away…”I destroy and un-create that”, in order to give it permission to fly away, don’t be alarmed if you have to do it a few times, some thoughts stick more than others, some kinda liked the drama and felt it gave them character like in a movie, even if it is a horror film something makes you want to keep watching it until the end to see what happens, but I assure you that the end is not a glamorous ending and to stop watching the movie right away, change to more of a funny film or something lighter, you won’t regret it or even miss the movie after awhile and you will start feeling better. You are not your judgments and this I encourage you to venture, the way you judge others is also a mirror of how you judge yourself so keep that in mind also, just learn to be comfortable with not having any thoughts in order to let your manifesting power have an open door to open new possibilities, sit back and watch the magic and manifest away, your higher self will show you whats possible.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Never Feel Sorry Again

Not only does the term i’m sorry mean pity, regret and sympathy but it also means causing sorrow, grief, or misfortune, and it means worthless and inferior. The reason I am bringing this to your attention is because sometimes we say words and we don’t truly realize the energy or power behind them, in this case the lower vibration of the word sorry is what I want to discuss here with you today. When someone says “that is a sorry excuse” then what they are truly saying is that excuse is worthless or inferior, this word has an energy to it, when you say i’m sorry your indicating that you feel bad and a lot of times a person will make a mistake and say that they are sorry, I feel like this word should be taken from our vocabulary and I will explain why. First off when you are not paying attention and accidentally hit someone then I believe the proper word should be pardon me or I apologize, actually these words should be used all across the board in general in replace of i’m sorry. Have you ever seen someone get upset when someone feels sorry for them?, or have you ever heard people say that they did not want to tell anyone because they did not want people feeling sorry for them?, that is because on an energetic level our higher selves know what the word sorry really means, we as humans connect with other humans and we do not want others feeling bad instinctively, or we don’t want people feeling sorry for us because it might make us feel less than, worthless or inferior, we already feel bad and people feeling sorry for us instinctively makes us feel worse, the fact is that we as humans don’t want to feel bad and will do whatever it takes in order not to feel bad. I believe if we allow ourselves to feel sorry for either ourselves or others then it leaves an open door to us automatically feeling bad, if you go through life feeling like there is no such thing as mistakes and that everything happens for a reason then it automatically puts you in a higher vibrational state, if you wish you did something differently or that things turned out differently then that is OK but just as long as you know it is still perfect, a lot of us go around all the time feeling like life is not perfect…but what if you actually went around thinking that life was perfect?, how would you feel all the time?, even what you judge as being bad or imperfect…what if you judged it as being beautiful and perfect?, it just might open more doors for you and you might feel lighter and happier most of the time if not all the time, your stress level would go down and you would never feel sorry for another thing again, never feel sorry for being human, God was not sorry for making humans yet he continues to make humans over and over again and says it is good, we too should feel good about ourselves and that is why I am bringing this to your attention, you deserve to be happy and free and you should never feel sorry for speaking your truth, God made you that way and we are here to help people and push people to evolve, I was brought up to be very polite and to never hurt other peoples feelings, but I found in doing so it held me back from speaking my truth ultimately holding me back from being me, and that was a very unhappy place to live in, break out, be yourself and put your sorry life behind you, instead feel grateful that you have a voice and never be ashamed of your road, growth, and evolution, upgrade your mind.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Missing Someone = Lack (Vampire Life)

To miss someone is to feel pain and to feel incomplete, so have you ever asked yourself why is it that you miss someone?, the next time you miss someone ask yourself “what is it about that person I miss?”, in order to find what your missing. If you are feeling lonely it is because you are lacking something within yourself or you have a desire to connect with someone, if you connect with someone other than the person you wanted to connect with and still miss that person you originally wanted to connect with then one should ask themself “what is it that the person I miss gives me?”…that I am not able to give myself right now?. Missing someone is like giving your power away and the only way to take back your power is to fill the void within yourself, you could miss someone because they make you laugh…meaning you miss being more open and or laughing, maybe your missing more joy in your life at the moment, maybe your missing how you use to feel and they remind you of how you use to feel at a particular time in your past, when people say I miss the good old days then what they are really saying is that they are not able to find happiness in the time that they are living in right now, which can lead to depression and all sorts of illnesses to even early death, that’s why I am taking time to write this blog today because I do not want to see people keep feeling something harmful to their bodies that can easily be fixed with self awareness, so take time to feel what state your mind is in whenever you are missing someone, what is it that the person you are missing gives you?, find your lack and fill it with strength within yourself, if you need more laughter then maybe you should learn to make light or fun out of your heavy circumstances…that or go see a funny movie, if you need encouragement then read a self help book, watch a video or go to a seminar if you need to be motivated, fill the void with something that can actually make a difference in your life so that you are not so dependent on others, I always say…"change your mind change your life". Also what helps is learning to believe in yourself, love yourself, have fun with yourself…or learn to have fun with yourself, have hobbies and do things that you enjoy to do, there are plenty of people on this earth to do things with, how people can miss anyone should not even be a problem with so many people on this earth ;-) . Cut the umbilical cord and set yourself free, start living.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Satan Is My Bitch

Satan is my bitch…he works for me, he does whatever I tell him to do, how is that to stomach?. I want to invite you into a reality of there not being such things as good and evil, into everything being good including death, if you were to live your life that way…do you think it would be much different?. For me I grew up thinking good people did certain things and bad people did certain things but I found out that the things that I was taught were bad were actually good, so what things in your life that you view as being bad that if actually was viewed as being good would change your life drastically?, I grew up in the church believing that you have to watch out for the devil and his lies and deceiving ways, ultimately looking out for someone that I could not see, touch or feel, who’s name was called Satan, where did he come from and where is he now?, people would leave the church all the time due to them not feeling accepted because they sinned feeling powerless over Satan, there was like this war I was always being prepared for that caused a lot of stress in my life, I was supposed to feel more peace but felt like I was getting darker and darker instead of being the light of the world, there was so much separation that I created in order to keep myself safe, one day I realized that the devil worked for me and I took back my power, I no longer lived in fear in fact I felt more powerful, people are actually pretty powerful creatures and I believe we hold ourselves back from our power a lot of times, and religion is just one example, judgment causes separation but yet they will say that God will forgive over and over again…yet he is the judge, so what is our part?, to love?, to help each other?…but I tell you that judgment closes us off to both of those. What people don’t realize is that living in a world where you are angry at Satan, angry at sin…what I call hell fire damnation preaching, creates a lot of anger…and however you perceive God to be then that is what you will be like, and everybody does not view God exactly the same way at least not all the time, some days you might feel God’s love and other days you might feel his anger and get all bi-polar over it, a lot of people will think just because something feels bad, stressful, or hurtful that it has to be Satan but that is not taking responsibilities for our thoughts, I am going to tell you something…everyone has truth inside of them, if you believe Jesus is real then truth told you he is real, whatever is right for you is right for you, just ask yourself and your truth will speak to you, I go around asking myself questions all the time, I am not going to believe something someone told me unless my truth tells me it is real, otherwise it would be someone else’s truth and I have to live my truth for it to be authentic and real, to do this you do have to have one ingredient and that is belief in yourself, you have to be able to trust yourself and that is something that I had to work on in order to start living my truth. Even if you have hate for the devil you are still harboring hate in your heart, it has been proven that hate ages people and makes them sick as love and gratitude helps you to live longer and be healthier, if we focus our hearts to be love at all times then that is the flow that our bodies respond best to and it only makes sense that that’s the flow we should be in.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

There Is No Such Thing As A Problem

We were hard wired to believe that there are problems but really there has not been a so called problem that has not been solved or that has not been actually vital to our evolution, just like the day needs the night…the night needs the day in order for things to function, as do our so called problems, the reason why I say that there is no such thing as a problem is because I want you to delete the word or thought from your mind, I want you to focus on the solution and by doing so your brain deletes the problem because it is too focused on the solution, if you think that the problem is stressful then it will hold you back from coming up with the solution and in my opinion only wastes time, we were hard wired to think that problems were a negative thing so some go around avoiding problems as much as possible which can lead us down a path of never taking chances in life or doing something that we love to do due to some so called problem that might enter our computer brains, it’s all about re-training the brain. Being problem oriented and not solution oriented creates a voice within our brains to look for problems, even to the point of creating more problems because that is where our eyes go automatically hence creating more problems, like when you focus on a particular car that you like or want and as you do so you start to see that car more often, now that car holds weight and takes our focus away from the other cars on the street, that is just one analogy and it can actually cause stress on the body by continually being focused on problems, sometimes the mind will even say that it will not be happy until the problem is fixed, so enjoy the process of coming up with the solution knowing that the solution is on it’s way, faith will then create the solution. Now what if you were taught by your parents to feel like you being born was a problem?, that too could create more problems in your life because you will subconsciously have to find a problem just to confirm to yourself that you were right even though you were not the one who downloaded problem inside of you, that’s why what our parents say to us growing up is vitally important to our impressionable minds. By focusing on problems it makes us start to see the world as one big problem, as we hear all the media, news and people talking and see more and more problems with less solutions then it drags us down and we start to feel heavy after awhile even depressed, I believe that if everyone started focusing on solutions then this world would be a powerful place, at least a solution gives us hope. Also some problems are truly an illusion because we found later on that it was for our best interest even though at the time we felt pain, like over a breakup or loss of a job that would have never lead us to the better relationship that we have today or us owning our own business eventually, at the time it was a point of pain and ended up being our biggest pleasure and form of celebration that later on led you from point A to point B, so I encourage everyone to focus on the solution and where you go from here rather than the problem. Lets say that at the beginning of the day you have so much that you need to get done and you wake up feeling exhausted even before the day begins, I encourage you to turn your mind around about how your going to feel once you fix or do whatever you need to do for the day to get results, focus on the results and not the problem, once you accomplish something it is like a domino effect that makes you feel good which causes you to want to conquer more so called problems. Also a fun thing to do is to tell yourself you get to do things instead of you have to do things, so instead of saying I have to do dishes or I have to go pick up my kid from school, you tell yourself you get to do it and enjoy the process, live in the moment and ask yourself how you can enjoy this more, like on your ride to wherever you get to go enjoy some good relaxing music, enjoy the sceneries and sounds, enjoy relaxing in the seat of your car, if your doing dishes feel the soap and water on your hands and how enjoyable it is caring for another human being or something like that, sometimes by saying you have to do something it makes a person want to put it off even more, how I started to enjoy doing dishes was in this way and sometimes I will say to myself that I will only do cups or plates or something more fun to wash and I usually end up doing more, but at least something is better than nothing, go as far as appreciating how privileged it is just to have two arms and hands and legs when some don’t, appreciation works well because with every step we take we are making this world a better place weather you are working for someone else to being a mom or caretaker for someone, with every step you take you are making yours and other peoples lives better, just sitting here thinking is you making the world a better place especially if you are choosing to change your mind for the better and positive. Start living more in the moment because if you are too busy thinking about other things then you cannot truly give your best to coming up with solutions, if you have 10 things on your mind and your doing 1 of those ten things then you are not giving your best to the one thing that you are doing, your creativity will not be as strong weighed down with other thoughts, you will not be able to be the best that you can be leaving yourself feeling that you were not satisfied with yourself or that you could have done more, when you live in the moment it helps you get into the Zone which is powerful. If you were to die a minute from now…what would matter most to you?, would it be the things that you are worried about?, this question helps when you are under stress, it brings things into perspective, usually we think about these things when people close to us die, and someones death could be life altering for the person left behind, but I say why wait till someone dies!?, why not do it right now?, appreciating what is really important and start living life!, doing this on a regular basis could change the way you live your life and the decisions that you make, it might create you to be a happier person which in turn could help you be more creative in your life, it could even help you feel healthier, our bodies do not respond well to stress so the tools that I am giving you here are for a happier and healthier life and how much vitamins your body receives from the food you eat, so now you know you have a choice on how many so called problems you have just by where your focus is, if you do not believe in problems then they just don’t exist plain and simple, you can either focus on the glass half empty or the glass half full, it’s your choice and being appreciative helps in this matter, like if you do not have a car…appreciate that you have two legs, if you do not have a mom or a dad then appreciate the people in your life who do love you, whatever you give your attention to has power, you are a world changer and as world changers they don’t have time to focus on what they don’t have or the so called problems, they look for solutions and get it done even if it is something small…they do that one thing that they are called to do, also put a smile on your face because it’s contagious and you never know if someone was feeling so dark that they were contemplating ending their life but because you smiled at them it gave them a spark of hope to keep going and to think maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem, that’s why what we think is more important than what others think because whatever we think…were right, healthy mind healthy life so start focusing on the positive things that will create solutions and change in ours and others life for the better, be a world changer.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


we-are-all-one-300x199We as human beings were made to connect to one another, you know that feeling you get when you walk into a room either bad or either good?, that is you connecting to the energy of others, we have gifts but we are taught to ignore our gifts and shut down, we are taught to run from what feels supposedly bad to us, so we either drink, do drugs, have sex, eat and the list goes on and on of things we do to keep ourselves busy or from feeling supposedly bad, and usually the choices we make can be harmful ones at that. Feeling lonely is like the same thing except the person that we are trying to disconnect from is ourselves so we find ways to keep us busy and disconnected from the pain, actually we are following what others are doing to get over pain and we don’t even know why were doing them, so ask yourself the next time you are feeling lonely…”is this me being all one?”, ask if this is you being centered and then just listen to what your soul has to say to you, after awhile you will start to get comfortable with yourself and being alone and centered, and eventually feeling more peace, true peace comes from within and not from something outside of yourself, so it makes perfect sense to go within instead of go without (outside of yourself), eventually by doing this you will start to feel happy, alive, connected, and centered, eventually you will be more comfortable with being alone and then what will happen is you will feel more happy, alive, connected and centered. Happiness is not something that we do, it’s something that we are and it comes from the inside, and that is what your trying to tap into, into the happiness that is already there and that has been there all along, but you ignored it and deserted it and tried to find it outside of yourself, and that is not how it works because the only true happiness that you can get comes from within. You can ask yourself throughout the day if you are being all one, like if something bad happens during the day then stop and ask yourself if you are all one right now, something that would normally make you run then allow yourself to comfort you, tap into the truth and the strength of you, because outside of you is weakness that cannot stand on two legs like you and will fall, so you have to be your strength and as you become stronger you take on new challenges and your life changes and the true you starts coming out and you start feeling all one and centered, not alone really because your connected to everything and what you really want is to connect with something, so it might as well be with yourself, so ask yourself “is this me being all one?”.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Letting Go

ImageTo feel light on a daily basis and in order to feel free then you have to be able to let go, trying to control things all the time puts you in a state of stress and toxicity, there are two kinds of people in the world, the ones that try and fit into the box of this world and those who try and make everyone fit into there box of the world, neither one works but I can guarantee you that the ones that try and get people to fit into their box’s are the ones that are going to be more challenged in having to let go in order to save their own life, trying to control everything all the time puts your body in a state of fight and flight all the time which has been proven to be unhealthy, these people usually suffer from high blood pressure, muscle and back pain, headaches, stomach problems and the list goes on and on, it ultimately leads to a poor metabolism which the body needs in order to help fight any foreign substances the body may come in contact with, so letting go could be a matter of life or death. Letting go is a mindset, if you are not use to letting go then you could have picked it up from someone like your parents, it could be a learned behavior, so you will have to re-train your brain, you may not be able to change others but you can change yourself and the way you think,  so start by analyzing your own dialogue in your head on and in every situation, allow yourself to be comfortable with jealousy, fear, anger and human emotions, start loving yourself more because sometimes we get out of hand just because we are love starved and desperate for love, find out ways that you are dishonoring yourself and not loving yourself, also accept your circumstances because chances are that they are not going to be there forever and then surrender to the outcome, also ask yourself what you can do differently and not what others can do differently, give yourself more power knowing that you have the power to change any situation just by being you, ask yourself if you had 1 minute to live then what would you choose and the chances are is that you would find surrender, let go and love at the top of the list, trust what God has for you and trust the god in you, that part that God said “it is good!”, everything is good…even what you think was meant for bad is meant for good, and it is not there to harm you but to help you grow, so trust that and your higher self :-) Image

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Out There

brendonburchardThe Charged Life, the truly lived life, is not a routine existence in some quaint, picturesque village of safety and certainty. No, the life worth living is out there, in the wooded wilds of the unknown, on the craggy battlefields that test our wits and wills in the daily fights with our own demons. It is found during the long onward slog through the storms and strife, when we hear only the whispers and taunts of foes and opponents stronger than we, on the ground where we are knocked sprawling and forced to face our own weaknesses, and on the mountaintops that we reach only because we pitted our every ounce of virtue, strength, character, and courage to keep climbing no matter the slings and arrows flung at our backs or the barriers thrown up before us. It is out there that we come face-to-face with the best in ourselves and with our destiny. It is out there, in a new world of uncertainty and adventure, that we push ourselves, better ourselves, realize ourselves. It is only in the herculean quest for something more that life fills us with wisdom and meaning, but only after we have paid with our sweat and, at times, our tears. It is in the marching on when we are tired and weak and fearful, and in the camaraderie of those fellow warriors we have striven with–our brothers and sisters and family and friends who cheered us on and toiled with us despite the messiness and apparent madness of it all. It is out there on the path less traveled, an uncharted path chosen by each of us alone, an often meandering, overgrown path that leads only to another unpaved road or open field of opportunity, where we must strike out once more with the same hope for victory and transcendence. It is out there when we have the guts to stand naked before the world as who we truly are, when we peer into the souls of those around us and finally see in them the image of the divine, that we plunge ourselves bravely and unconditionally into love that has no bottom or boundary. It is out there, outside the confines of our comforts and the pleasures of our accumulations, beyond our architecture of the routine, that we slip the bonds of our limiting beliefs, soar magnificently above our own shortcomings, and express our highest selves. It is out there, in a world rich with choice and challenge and fear and freedom, that your greatest gifts and adventures await you. Listen. It is out there that destiny calls. Be bold and ready yourself. It is time to charge once again.
~Brendon Burchard~

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


ImagePeople say that beauty is only skin deep, but have you ever thought deep about what that means?, people talk about inner beauty and outer beauty, but have you ever done inner thinking on what makes you judge beauty the way that you do?. In Africa people are taught to think of heavier people as being more beautiful, as to here people are taught to think of beauty as someone stick thin according to our models, although the Kardashians are thought of to be beautiful according to there curves…regardless you have all kinds of people that think of beauty differently, some like big noses some like short, some like long hair some like short, some think of feet as being sexy and some as them being disgusting. If you take off all our hair, make-up, injections, boob jobs, and if we all wore the same clothes and did not workout then what would be left?, we would then maybe be forced to look deeper if we all looked close to being the same way, but then again knowing us we would come up with some kind of thing that would be called more beautiful, it’s almost like our nature to do so. The thing I like about pageants is that they determine the winner based on more than just outer looks, but still we are concerned more on what we see with our eyes. Dating is a good example on how much emphasis is put on looks, and a lot of times it can make people single for years and make them miss out on an opportunity to finding a soul mate due to being too judgmental, you don’t marry a persons looks. Going on a date with a guy that is very good looking just after a few dates or getting to know him more can make him become not as handsome and the same goes for a woman, you can also date a woman not that good looking but find that she looks more beautiful as you get to know her more and the same goes for a man, basically people will start looking better as you get to know more about what goes deeper than the skin, and this is the person that you will marry and that will determine how long you stay married, so swim deeper and stay out of the shallow end, as you think it is safer it will actually keep you stuck never seeing what is actually out there waiting to be discovered, and could potentially be more dangerous.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Love Is Our First Nature

I was watching this 4 year old girl walk out of a store the other day with a stuffed dog in her hand, the dog looked like the dog from lady and the tramp, and as she was squeezing this dog she was kissing it’s lips, with every kiss the smile on her face got bigger and bigger, then her dad grabbed her hand and she smiled as they walked away, I could not help but notice how giving that stuffed animal love gave her so much joy!, think back when you were a kid or think of your own kids and how much love is important to us and our growth, and how much love we get determines on how we love ourselves and others, but actually love comes very easy to us when we are kids, it is not until we get older that our love tends to fade away, and either that love turns to hate or we just have a hard time loving at all because the pain is just too great. When we were kids we loved so deeply, we loved our friends, our animals, our parents…then somewhere that all changed, our first nature though was love and later on we find ourselves trying to go back to that place because it is more in line with our natural self, we were made out of love for love and to love, and because it feels so good we are drawn back to it like a magnet. It is no surprise that we have animals and are so animal obsessed because in a world of forgotten love at least our animals are there to show us that unconditional love that we so crave, even our parents loved us more unconditionally when we were younger, then somewhere along the line we were made to feel that love was more conditionally when we got older and things were expected of us, so now we are much needier of that love…but who is going to show us that love other than our animals?, but love is our first nature, it is actually easier to love, love is even proven to help us live longer and healthier lives, so lets all go back to our first love which is love itself xoxo.

Men And Their Emotions

I think there is something that needs to be talked about…and that is about men and their emotions. Men are human and to think that they do not have feelings and emotions is absurd, when I was dating I found something to be interesting and that was that men were actually more sensitive than women, when a woman gets hurt by a man they can get back up and love again due to them wearing there feelings on there sleeves sort of speak, but I found that when a man got hurt by a woman they seemed to not recover quite as gracefully, as to where women could keep getting hurt over and over again but still had hope in love. When men get hurt they shut down as if killing there emotions get rid of the hurt and pain, but I believe this only makes it worse because they never really deal with it. Actually I think gay guys have it good because at least they are more in touch with their feelings and emotions, sometimes I wonder if they always felt different than other men because they allowed themselves just to be human with feelings and emotions. Crying is so therapeutic, I cannot even imagine men not being able to have this outlet, sometimes when my emotions are trapped inside of me…just having a good cry releases that energy from my body and I feel better, like a weight has been lifted from off of my body and all I needed was a good cry, I believe God gave us tears for a reason, we have all been gifted with tears and we should all use them, no wonder guys are so easy to anger and not to sadness because they have been taught to hold back the tears, but that anger is putting too much stress on the heart and you see a lot of guys having heart attacks at early ages compared to women, the heart needs to be free to express itself, let the heart out of jail…let the heart be open, it is crying for freedom. Just like women have to control their emotions so do men, like if you are in a work environment or around a group of people maybe you have an image to uphold or have to act in a responsible manner and that is ok for the moment but to keep it in and not dealt with is what I am more concerned with on the health of any individual weather they are male or female, a guy usually will think they come across as a wussy or weak but actually this world craves passion and passion too is stemmed from emotion and that is sexy, that’s why women love musicians because they express themselves through there emotions in there music, people want to feel and if they do not feel you then they cannot relate to you, I believe this stereo type of not being human and able to express themselves has to die down because it is killing us.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Change Your Mind Change Your Life

There is a technique that I use which has helped me tremendously in helping me change the way I think in order to grow as a person. The brain is so smart yet so dumb at the same time, that’s why we can be brain washed or hypnotized, so this is a form of hypnotizing myself that I use to help me change the way I had been conditioned from either childhood or other circumstances, I got this from Asara Lovejoy and the technique is called The One Command. What I do every morning and every night before I go to bed and before I rise for the day or even think about anything for the day, is I lay in bed and start to visualize my life as I want it, how I would be ending my day and starting my day if I was living the life that I wanted, then what I do is roll my eyes up into my head, I do this closing my eyes but you can do it either way what ever is comfortable for you, I feel closing my eyes is more powerful though, then I wait and think nothing keeping my eyes closed and rolled in the back of my head, this puts your brain into your subconscious so that you can hypnotize yourself, then after doing this for about a minute maybe two, you speak the words “I don’t know HOW…all I know is ______(then speak whatever you want in your life)”, the reason why you speak I don’t know how is because the brain tries to figure out things so by doing this you bypass the brain trying to figure out how, and by speaking what you want while in the subconscious mind creates an energy, with every thought there is an energy reaction, that’s why people can make themselves sick just with there thoughts alone. So like if you want more money, friends, better relationships or more success then you would speak “I don’t know how I have lots of money…all I know is that lots of money keeps coming my way effortlessly”, or “I don’t know how I attract so many friends…all I know is that people are just drawn to me and I attract good people in my life all the time”, or “I don’t know how me and my parents get along so well…all I know is that me and my parents have the best relationship”, or “I don’t know how I am so successful…all I know is that success is so easy for me and everything I touch I am a success at”. Now you can say this however you want, these are just a few examples but you can do this with virtually anything like weight loss or phobias, I hope you like this tid bit of info, try it and tell me how it has helped you